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Each month, Conservation Kids NZ will be hosting one major event focusing on a particular species or habitat, that will be held all around Marlborough!

Each event will also have all the information, fun, resources, arts & crafts, videos and so much more right here on our website! Accessible anywhere, any time, and by any one - EVERYONE can be a Conservation Kid and help Save Our Species!

Save Our Species!

Want to check out our online content?

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Each of our events are aimed at a primary school aged audience, but they are a whānau event, with everyone in the family invited to join the fun! They run for 2 hours and are jam packed with information and ways you can help to Save Our Species.

Each event aims to have a collaboration with another group or organisation, celebrates a campaign (like plastic free July or World Wetland Day, etc) and has an arts & crafts element as well as outdoor games and activities.

You can find all the resources, information and more right here on the website shortly after each physical event!

Keep an eye on the
Envirohub Marlborough Facebook Page for updates and events coming up and sign up here on our website by clicking the button below!

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Click on the image to download our information pack outlining our Save Our Species programme in more detail


Species Superstars!


At each and every event, a stand-out tamariki will be carefully selected as the 'Species Superstar'! This tamariki would have shone in some way with their passion and enthusiasm for the species in question and their desire to better protect it and our environment.

To encourage, support and inspire that passion to continue, we also issue a prize, including a certificate, some reusable goodies, a t-shirt and an experience... and more!

Check out some of our past

Species Superstars here 

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Tell me more!

If you'd like to know more, would like to enquire about how you can support us, sponsor this awesome whānau and tamariki programme, or if you'd like to work with us or run an event, please reach out!

Email our CKNZ Youth and Families Coordinator


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